Boston Adventures One girl's quirky adventures in this shitty town.

Monday, February 09, 2004 :::

I've Been Summoned

So many people have told me I should write again. Really, I have a lot to say but I'm too lazy to write it down. Now that someone who I didn't even think knew anything about my blog (I see you Celeste) or my online banter, asked me to update so I figured I would do so.

There are lots of deep, personal, and long winded things I could say but let's stick with minor musings. This is DC Adventures right?

I saw what appeared to be a 7 year old attempting to do the newspaper crossword puzzles.

W. Ellington Felton and Raheem Davaughn are quite the comedy duo. However, they aren't comedians, they are singers. O how I don't quite get Urban Ave 31 but the Street Experience Mixtape is on constant rotation.

As the true shopping diva I am. I returned to my throne. So the woman accidentally under charged me for my new pair of Lucky Brand Jeans. I knew it wasn't meant for me to pay that much for a pair of jeans.

Some people are only fun when you drunk with them.

I'm walking the streets to train for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. So I am sure that I will have lots to say.

::: posted by Unknown at 2/09/2004


One girl's quirky adventures in this shitty town.

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